The regular Monday Coffee Morning has grown from strength to strength, also raising over £400 for favourite charities in the process.  Come along for coffee (or tea), home-made cakes, magazine swap and a chance to catch up on the latest gossip (sshhh !) at 11am in the Village Hall.

….…AND the Post Office is open for all your requirements (11.30am - 12.30pm).

Contact Teresa 07500 045084 or email at


Saturdays, the senior citizens lunch club, has been running for almost 10 years and has raised over £5000 for the Clifton Food Bank, Emmanuel House and Stathern Children's Holidays charities.

The lunch is held in the Village Hall on the first Saturday of every month (12:00 'til 2.00 pm) -  lunch £6 and raffle ticket £1.

You are assured of a warm welcome; come along and meet some new friends!

Contact Fiona 01949 869196


We meet at the Village Hall on the first Monday of the month,  2-4pm

A crafty group that indulges in our favourite arts, crafts and hobbies.
All abilities and styles are welcome.

Tea and cake is also served.

Contact: Teresa on 07500 045084 or email at